《爱情名流漫画》雷洛初到香港学识不多决定加入警队为生后认识猪油仔他出身低下层社会时常灌输黑道上人仕谋生技俩予雷老差骨陈统慧眼识英雄对雷亦师亦友后更提携他为探员成为总华探长的踏脚石雷初出道身怀傲骨并不同流合污成为众矢之的其间邂逅少女霞共堕爱河但为霞父极力反对致难成连理……Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A dis...魏虎和白小茹的婚姻浪漫、甜蜜、富足、温馨能嫁给斯文、帅气、细心用白小茹幸福的话说:用尽了一辈子的好运气可就在魏虎三十岁生日那天一个神秘女人的出现打破了白小茹和魏虎和谐幸福的生活白小茹发现魏虎在隐隐变化那个女人是谁她和魏虎到底什么关系成为白小茹心中的刺却因为害怕失去而不敢对心爱的丈夫挑明猜疑无时无刻不在折磨着她在闺蜜小美的建议下白小茹开始偷偷调查魏虎和那个神秘女人的关系当白小茹终于知道神秘女人竟是号称“独生子”的魏虎的亲姐姐时她也逐渐陷入了丈夫内心残暴的“黑洞”之中.原本最熟悉的那个人越来越陌生起来隐藏内心的秘密和罪恶渐渐浮出水面开始吞噬着这段看似完美的婚姻……...